Friday, February 19, 2010

Campaign Platform

Dear Friends:
Here is my platform; I am open to comments and suggestions to make it better.

M Ryan Platform Texas State Rep #132 rev date: 01/20/10

1.Freeze taxes! – The real estate tax system is broken, I will introduce a bill similar to California prop 13 – Your homeowner residential taxes will be frozen at the 2009 levels, no agency will be able to automatically raise them until the house actually sells. The sales price shall determine the new tax rate, no more yearly surprise increase in taxes by arbitrary agencies! Call me “Mr. Freeze”!

Reasoning – most people need to be on a budget, you generally have a fixed mortgage payment, why should this not also apply to government taxes? Why should the government automatically get a raise and take more of your money when things change – like the calendar year? If you were laid off, do you think they would forget about your taxes? Ha.

2. Health care – Simple – KISS principle – two part solution, A) Any health insurance policy sold in TX must not have a pre-existing condition clause, period. This may make insurance more expensive, so we also need part B) make insurance available across state lines, any TX resident can buy any health insurance policy by a registered USA firm. This will increase competition, thereby mitigating potential price increases due to the restriction of No pre-existing conditions.

Reasoning - it is not the right of the federal government to do anything about health care, it is a US Constitutional right reserved for the States – see the US Constitution – Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

3.Jobs/Economic prosperity – Again, very simple KISS principle. Any TX registered business with less than 50 employees and or less than one million dollars in revenues in a calendar year is exempt from paying Franchise TAX! If the business grows beyond that mark during the year, then they pay a pro rata share tax based on a monthly calculation.

Reasoning – people will only do what hey are incentivized to do – so if you want less of some activity, then Tax it; if you want more of some activity, DON”T TAX IT!

4.Small business assistance – my favorite project! – The Street Rod Bill! –

Allow the registration (and payment of fees) of custom built automobiles. About 18 other states already have these laws, and they are flourishing. This is a multi-billion dollar cottage industry comprised of small businesses and manufacturers. See

Reasoning – many auto mechanics, restoration shops, etc are limited in new business by not having a law like this. This will INCREASE tax revenues with ZERO infrastructure cost to the State. Already introduced last Session HB#2412 due to my grass roots efforts.

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